Hawaiian Kebabs

Hawaiian Kebabs

A favorite summer meal that's quick, versatile and delicious! Can't have peppers? Mix it up and add in zucchini or yellow squash! The savory sausage flavor with fresh pineapple is a combo you'll fall in love with and enjoy throughout the summer!
Course Main Course


  • 1 purple onion
  • 1 sweet pepper any color
  • 1 fresh pineapple
  • 1 package of kielbasa nitrate free
  • Vinaigrette Dressing I like Braggs brand, or any without inflammatory oils like canola/vegetable/soy oil


  • Cut the onion and pepper into medium/large pieces, cut pineapple into bite size chunks and place all into a container.
  • If using wooden skewers soak them in water, ideally an hour before grilling but can be less if you don't have time.
  • Start layering skewers. Put a piece of pepper or onion on first to anchor the rest of the food, layer and rotate the pineapple, meat and veggies. I like to put the pineapple up against the meat to allow the fruit to permeate the meat with extra flavor. Place finished skewers in a large baking dish. Dress the skewers with the dressing but brushing on with a pastry brush, then just serve and enjoy!